Editorial Services

I offer a range of editorial services with fees dependent on the length, scope, and complexity of the project. Listed below are some of the services I offer; they can also be combined or customized to fit the needs of your work-in-progress. All services come with a follow-up consultation by phone or video call of up to 30 minutes.

  • Query Letter Edit

  • Synopsis Edit

  • First 10 Pages Edit

  • Manuscript Assessment: a short report (2 to 3 pages, single-spaced) offering general feedback about your work-in-progress, including the positive aspects of the work, the elements that require attention, comments on character, plot, structure, style (language, diction, voice), marketability, and recommendations for next steps

  • Developmental Edit: an editorial letter (5 to 10 pages, single-spaced) offering detailed notes about the big-picture elements of your work-in-progress, including structure, plot, character, theme, style, worldbuilding, and more, as well as chapter notes as necessary

  • Developmental Edit with Manuscript Markup: in addition to the editorial letter as described above, a full electronic manuscript markup with in-line notes and suggestions

If you’re interested in learning more, please Contact me and I’d be happy to discuss rates and options with you.