About Me

I’m an EDITOR who believes in the power of the books we encounter as children and teens to change lives.

I'm a GEEK who believes that books are the closest thing we have to the Vulcan mind meld, the only way we can truly see inside another person.

I’m a READER who believes in the ability of book creators to entertain and enlighten—but more importantly, to engender the empathy that, ultimately, makes us human.

My MISSION is to help talented writers change the world through their books.

You may want to work with me if you are…

An aspiring author who has been invited to revise and resubmit and needs an encouraging yet tough editor to help propel you to the finish line and get that offer of representation or publication

A traditionally published author who needs help with an early draft or final polish before sending a manuscript off to your agent or in-house editor

An independent, hybrid, or self-published author who constantly strives to improve your craft and craves constructive feedback

An agent with a client or potential client whose manuscript is 90% there but who needs that extra push to make the project as competitive as possible

A packager who needs an experienced editor to help guide the construction of a book from the initial concept to a fully developed and sellable proposal or manuscript

A publisher or in-house editor looking for a dependable freelance editor with a proven track record of success in working with authors

Please visit Editorial Services for more information.



Susan was born in Seoul, South Korea and emigrated to the U.S. with her family when she was five years old. She attended Stuyvesant High School in New York City and graduated from Vassar College with a degree in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Susan began her publishing career at HarperCollins Children’s Books, where she worked for nine years before moving on to shorter stints at Hyperion Books for Children (a former imprint of Disney Publishing Worldwide) and Parachute Publishing, a book packager. She was a senior editor at Tor Books (Macmillan Publishers) for seventeen years before launching Susan Chang Editorial. She lives in Queens, the most diverse borough of New York City.